{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 2nd Annual Haight -To-Run 5K Cross-Country Race\par Saturday May 10, 2008\par Haight-Brown Vineyard\par The "Grape" Race\par Litchfield, Connecticut\par New Record! Old record of 18:32 set by Bob Davenport in 2007\par Place Name Age Sex Time\par 1 CR Bob Davenport 39 M 18:13\par 2 Jeromie Schumacher 34 M 19:05\par 3 Larry Gore 39 M 19:54\par 4 Colin Gannon 16 M 20:39\par 5 MR Bryan Almond 40 M 20:56\par 6 Kim Marchand 44 M 21:04\par 7 Tristan Kishonis 13 M 21:53\par 8 Bruce Heim 56 M 21:59\par 9 WCR Nichelle Gore 31 F 22:15\par 10 Will Graustein 47 M 22:25\par 11 Ed Drapp 50 M 22:50\par 12 Thomas Brayton III 40 M 23:19\par 13 Dustin Partridge 19 M 23:36\par 14 Tom Rodon 39 M 23:50\par 15 Tom Giorgetti 55 M 24:00\par 16 Sean Gannon 15 M 24:18\par 17 Geoffrey Hansen 41 M 24:25\par 18 Kevin Kilkeary 37 M 24:30\par 19 William Davenport 40 M 24:39\par 20 Bill Keough 40 M 24:52\par 21 Carol Morenz 50 F 25:05\par 22 Ken Platz 61 M 25:25\par 23 Jerry Traub 46 M 25:36\par 24 Fred Hudak 60 M 25:42\par 25 Anna Willis 49 F 25:50\par 26 Rosemary Lane 52 F 25:58\par 27 Brian Elliot 37 M 26:22\par 28 Holy Durstin 39 F 26:43\par 29 Bryan Sundie 37 M 26:56\par 30 Sara Iannore 12 F 27:00\par 31 Allen Potter 40 M 27:05\par 32 Kayla Kishonis 10 F 27:21\par 33 Emily Cahill 27 F 27:31\par 34 Matt McDevitt 30 M 27:32\par 35 Jeffrey Schumacher 8 M 27:44\par 64 FINISHERS\par Thanks to Litchfield Parks and Recreation, Dave Driscol, Haight-Brown Vineyard,\par sponsors, volunteers (hi Marry), spectators, and harriers.\par \par }